I can't believe I've been sewing and blogging for a year now. It's amazing. Somewhere along the way, this journey became more than just a way to document what I've accomplished. After 185 posts, I've learned so much about blogging, photography, display, marketing and friendships. This whole experience has become something much more than a hobby and (as I've said MANY times before) I'm so grateful!
So to celebrate my one year blogiversary, I'm hosting one week of amazing giveaways! I've enlisted the help of some incredibly talented ladies.
First up, Katie from Craptastic. You've heard me speak of her many times before but I'm sure you remember her best from the two swaps we did a few months ago. Katie has proven to be such an amazing friend (and swap buddy) this past year! Plus, she shares my obsession with birds, mis-matched fabrics and True Blood. Did I mention she's super talented when it comes to... oh yeah, EVERYTHING! Take a gander at some of her awesome creations.
The Pink Lady
Piggy Cupcakes
Festively Fall
DIY Knockoff Pillows
Just to name a few! So let's get to the big giveaway, shall we? Katie has offered to give one lucky Pink Stitches reader TWO beautiful pillow covers!!
Gorgeous!! I totally wish I could win these. They are just screaming to be put in my craft room! I think another swap is in order...
- Follow Craptastic (1 entry)
- Follow Pink Stitches (1 entry)
- Like Pink Stitches on Facebook (1 entry)
- Heart Pink Stitches on Etsy (1 entry)
Please leave a comment for each entry and remember to include your email address if it isn't available on your profile! I'll announce the winner on Saturday, Jan. 28th. Good luck!
oh how fun - already following pink stitches - xo - congrats!
also already following craptastic - :)
liked ya on fb too - I LOVE that pennant pillow!
ReplyDeleteYou are only one year at it? I thought longer for some reason!! Well Happy Anniversary! I love blogging!
ReplyDeleteI already follow you. And i love your blog...
ReplyDeleteAnd now I also follow craptastic... She has a cute blog and I am looking forward to read more.
ReplyDeleteOMG, I love those pillows!
ReplyDeleteI heart you on Etsy!
I follow you!
ReplyDeleteThose pillow covers are super cute! One of my resolutions for this year is to do something crafty each week. The other one (I only have 2) is to be healthier this year, nice and general so that at the end of the year I can say, yep I ate more apples and walked more, resolution achieved!
ReplyDeleteCongrats on 1 year :)
miranda2553(at) yahoo(dot)com
I follow you!
ReplyDeleteSide note, word verification this time "bustify" I thought it was funny! But then I'm easily amused!
I like you on FB!
ReplyDeleteI follow Craptastic!
ReplyDeleteI liked you on FB!
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower for both Pinb Stitches & Craptastic
ReplyDeletelove that pennant pillow - i like pink stitches on facebook
ReplyDeletefollowing craptastic
ReplyDeleteFollow pink stitches
ReplyDeleteI follow craptastic what cute pillow covers!
ReplyDeleteI heart pink stitches on etsy!
ReplyDeletei follow pink stitches!
ReplyDeleteanniecbates at gmail dot com
I follow Craptastic!
I follow Pink Stitches!
ReplyDeleteI heart Pink Stitches on Etsy.
ReplyDeleteI liked PS on FB.
ReplyDeleteCongrats on your anniversary - I'm already a follower!
ReplyDeleteAnd just hearted your sweet etsy shop :-)
ReplyDeleteAlready following pink stitches!I am now following craptastic!Liked on FB and heart on etsy!Thank you,I Love your emails and look forward to them!
ReplyDeleteLenora Ziobro
I've been a follower of Craptastic for over a year now! That's who sent me :)
I've became a follower of your cute blog! :)
And now we are friends on FB! Woot Woot!
ReplyDeleteI've added you to favorites on my Etsy! Cute stuff!
I am following Craptastic.
ReplyDeleteI am following Pink Stitches.
ReplyDeleteI like Pink Stitches on Facebook.
ReplyDeleteI heart Pink Stitches on etsy. (as soapdeli)
ReplyDeleteI am already following Pink Stitches!
ReplyDeleteAnd I am also following Craptastic, too!
ReplyDeleteI liked Pink Stitches on Facebook.
ReplyDeletenow following craptastic~~
ReplyDelete<3'd your etsy shop... Cute stuff!!!
ReplyDeleteand.. like you on facebook!
ReplyDeleteoops didn't include my email...
Following Craptastic via GFC (Bianca Roman)
Following Pink Stitches via GFC (Bianca Roman)
Liked Pink Stitches on Facebook (Bianca Roman)
I am a follower. Love that pink table!
ReplyDeleteThis is SO fun because I love both of your blogs!! I follow Craptastic :)
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog!!
ReplyDeleteI like Pink Stitches on FB!!
ReplyDeleteI heart you on Etsy!!
ReplyDeleteI'm already a follower. Happy Blogiversary! :)
ReplyDeleteJust started following Craptastic. Thanks for the recommendation.
ReplyDeleteAnd I like you on FB too!
ReplyDeleteI follow Pink Stitches! Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!
ReplyDeleteI follow Craptastic! and love it!
ReplyDeleteLove the Blog....following Pink Stitches!
ReplyDeleteFollowing Craptastic!! :) Cute blog!
ReplyDeleteI "like" Pink Stitches on fb!! :)
ReplyDeleteI "heart" Pink Stitches on Etsy!! :)
ReplyDeleteFollowing Craptastic!!!
ReplyDeleteNow following Pink Stitches!!!
ReplyDeleteLiked Pink Stitches on FB
ReplyDeleteI Heart Pink Stitches on Etsy. Thanks for having this great give away and Congrats on your 1 yr anniversary!
ReplyDeleteLove those pillows! I'm now following Craptastic. :)
ReplyDeleteI follow Pink Stitches. :)
ReplyDeleteI like Pink Stitches on fb. :)
ReplyDeletefollowing Craptastic... love her blog! I've been following it for quite awhile already :)
ReplyDeletefollowing your blog! :)
ReplyDeleteLike you on facebook :)
ReplyDeleteI follow your blog
ReplyDeleteI like you on FB
ReplyDeleteFollowing Craptastic!
ReplyDeleteHeart you on Etsy
ReplyDeleteI follow craptastic!
ReplyDeletei follow pink stitches!
ReplyDeletei hearted pink stitches shop on Etsy!
ReplyDeleteI'm a follwer of PS!!
ReplyDeleteI'm a follower of Craptastic!
ReplyDeleteI follow Katie!
ReplyDeleteHearted you on Etsy too!
ReplyDeleteI follow Craptastic!
ReplyDeleteI follow you too!
ReplyDeleteOops, my email address is baileyabroad@gmail.com
ReplyDeleteI follow pink stitches!
ReplyDeleteI Heart you on etsy!
ReplyDeleteI follow Craptastic!
ReplyDeleteI follow you!
ReplyDeleteI like you on Facebook!
ReplyDeleteI follow pink stitches.