Saturday, July 7, 2012

My Week In Photos

We had such a fun week! AJ and I have been enjoying the summer and spending lots of quality time together. We went to the circus and enjoyed lots of pool time. I got to use my beautiful multi-tasker tote!

We ate some yummy snacks, took naps and AJ played with his new puppy, Atom (named after his favorite robot on Real Steel- ofcourse).

We also shared lots of these... (I just love his hugs and kisses!!)

And although I didn't get a lot of sewing done, I did get to read through a few books and shop for some goodies!

Hope you guys had a fabulous week!


  1. What a great week you've all had! Missing summer over this side of the world! :)

  2. xo. we need to chat soon. i have been so busy with life and such that i am perilously behind in every way! xo miss you! the new puppy looks so adorable! i love german shepards!

  3. Looks like a fabulous week!
    I hope this one is going as well!

  4. Ooooh, new Sharpies!
    Almost as pretty as all that gorgeous fabric. I have a slight obsession with hoarding fabric. It's a problem. :op

  5. I love your blog. So inspiring! I also really love that "keep calm" fabric on the top of your new fabric stack!!!! I must have it! Could you please tell me who makes it and where I might be able to order or find some? Thank you so much!

  6. Here is my email address. Thanks again.

  7. Omg! Such a beautiful little boy!
    He is so cute! <3


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